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Membuat Anti Virus Sendiri

Notes :
- Penulis TIDAK bertanggung jawab atas penggunaan maupun penyalahgunaan dari artikel ini.
- Tujuan dibuat artikel HANYA untuk BAHAN PEMBELAJARAN saja.
- Penggunaan nama, merek, atau logo hanya sebagai CONTOH dan REFERENSI saja, TIDAK ada maksud mempromosikan pihak tertentu.
- Penulis mohon maaf apabila seluruh/sebagian dari isi artikel ini sudah tersirat dalam artikel sejenis lainnya.

Sekarang kehadiran para virus maker (–selanjutnya disingkat jadi VM saja) lokal telah membuat gerah para user komputer tanah air. Bisa dibayangkan bila dari sekian banyak virus lokal tidak satu-dua yang menghancurkan data (terutama bagi file office; word, excel, dll…). Bagi para vendor Anti Virus (–selanjutnya disingkat menjadi AV saja) fenomena ini adalah lahan bisnis untuk produk mereka. Sebut saja NORMAN, yang kini men-support perusahaan konsultan virus lokal (–VAKSIN.COM) , Symantec, McAffe, NOD32, dan sebagainya. Dengan menawarkan update definisi software AV tercepat, engine scanner paling sensitif, dan lain-lain merupakan kiat untuk memancing para korban virus membeli dan menggunakan software AV mereka. Bagi penulis sendiri hal ini memang agak memberatkan mengingat update file definisi atau engine AV tsb haruslah melalui koneksi internet. Lalu bagaimana yang tidak mempunyai akses sama sekali? Konsekuensinya iyalah tertinggal dalam hal pengenalan varian virus baru yang pada ujung-ujungnya membuat AV yang sudah terinstall bagai ‘Macan Ompong’. Kalau kita membuat AV sendiri bagaimana? dengan database definisi yang bisa diupdate oleh kita bahkan dapat saling tukar dengan teman? Bisa saja, dengan syarat mau mempelajari sedikit teknik pemograman.Pertama kita harus mengerti bagaimana cara kerja sebuah AV sederhana, pada dasarnya sebuah software AV mempunyai komponen-komponen :

1. Engine scanner, ini merupakan komponen utama AV dalam mengenali sebuah pattern virus. Engine ini dapat dikelompokkan menjadi statis dan dinamis. Statis dalam hal ini dapat disebut menjadi spesifik terhadap pattern tertentu dari sebuah file virus. Checksum merupakan salah satu contoh dari engine statis ini. Dinamis dalam artian dia mengenali perilaku ‘umum’ sebuah virus. Heuristic menjadi salah satu contohnya.
2. Database definition, menjadi sebuah referensi dari sebuah pattern file virus. Engine statis sangat bergantung kepada komponen ini.
3. Decompress atau unpacking engine, khusus untuk pengecekan file-file yang terkompresi (*.rar, *.zip, dll) atau kompresi atau packing untuk file PE seperti UPX, MeW , dll.

Tidak jarang hasil dari pengecekan terhadap file suspect virus menghasilkan false-positive bahkan false-negative (– false-positive berarti file yang bersih dianggap thread oleh AV, dan false-negative berarti file yang 100% thread akan dianggap bersih). Semua itu dapat diakibatkan oleh ketidak-sempurnaan dari engine scanner itu sendiri. Misal
pada contoh kasus Engine String scanner (–Engine scanner yang menyeleksi string-string dari file text-based), bila diterapkan rule 3 out of 5 (– bila AV menemukan 3 dari daftar 5 string kategori malicious) maka AV akan memberikan bahwa file terindikasi sebuah thread yang positif. Padahal file tsb nyatanya tidak menimbulkan efek berbahaya bila dijalankan atau dieksekusi. Kesalahan scanning macam ini lazim ditemukan untuk file-file *.VBS, *.HTML, dll. Untuk penggunaan engine checksum sangat banyak ditemui di beberapa software AV lokal. Checksum yang lazim digunakan diantaranya CRC16, CRC32, MD5, dll. Dikarenakan mudah untuk diimplementasikan. Engine ini sendiri bukannya tanpa cacat, Checksum bekerja dengan memproses byte demi byte dari sebuah file dengan sebuah algoritma tertenu (– tergantung dari jenis checksum yang digunakan) sehingga menghasilkan sebuah format tertentu dari file tsb. Contoh checksum menggunakan CRC32 dan MD5 :

* calCrc = CRC32(file_name_and_path)
* calMD5 = MD5(file_name_and_path)

Maka isi dari string calCrc adalah 7AF9E376, sedangkan untuk MD5nya adalah 529CA8050A00180790CF88B63468826A. Perlu diketahui bila virus menerapkan rutin yang mengubah byte tertentu dari badan virus tsb setiap kali maka penggunaan engine checksum ini akan kurang optimal karena bila 1 byte berubah dari file maka checksum juga akan berubah.

Mari kita belajar membuat sebuah AV sederhana, yang diperlukan :

1. Software Visual Basic 6.0
2. Sedikit pemahaman akan pemograman Visual Basic 6.0
3. Sampel file bersih atau virus (– opsional)

Sekarang kita akan belajar membuat sebuah rutin sederhana untuk :
- Memilih file yang akan dicek
- Membuka file tersebut dalam mode binary
- Memproses byte demi byte untuk menghasilkan Checksum

Buka MS-Visual Basic 6.0 anda, lalu buatlah sebuah class module dan Form dengan menambahkan sebuah objek Textbox, CommonDialog dan Command Button. (Objek CommonDialog dapat ditambahkan dengan memilih Project -> COmponent atau Ctrl-T dan memilih Microsoft Common Dialog Control 6.0) Ketikkan kode berikut pada class module (kita beri nama class module tsb clsCrc) :

================= START HERE ====================

Private crcTable(0 To 255) As Long ‘crc32

Public Function CRC32(ByRef bArrayIn() As Byte, ByVal lLen As Long, Optional ByVal lcrc As Long = 0) As Long

‘bArrayIn adalah array byte dari file yang dibaca, lLen adalah ukuran atau size file

Dim lCurPos As Long ‘Current position untuk iterasi proses array bArrayIn
Dim lTemp As Long ‘variabel temp hasil perhitungan

If lLen = 0 Then Exit Function ‘keluar fungsi apabila ukuran file = 0
lTemp = lcrc Xor &HFFFFFFFF

For lCurPos = 0 To lLen
lTemp = (((lTemp And &HFFFFFF00) &H100) And &HFFFFFF) Xor (crcTable((lTemp And 255) Xor bArrayIn(lCurPos)))
Next lCurPos

CRC32 = lTemp Xor &HFFFFFFFF

End Function

Private Function BuildTable() As Boolean
Dim i As Long, x As Long, crc As Long
Const Limit = &HEDB88320

For i = 0 To 255
crc = i
For x = 0 To 7
If crc And 1 Then
crc = (((crc And &HFFFFFFFE) 2) And &H7FFFFFFF) Xor Limit
crc = ((crc And &HFFFFFFFE) 2) And &H7FFFFFFF
End If
Next x
crcTable(i) = crc
Next i
End Function

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
End Sub

================= END HERE ====================

Lalu ketikkan kode berikut dalam event Command1_Click :

================= START HERE ====================

Dim namaFileBuka As String, HasilCrc As String
Dim CCrc As New clsCrc ‘bikin objek baru dari class ClsCrc
Dim calCrc As Long
Dim tmp() As Byte ‘array buat file yang dibaca

Private Sub Command1_Click()
CommonDialog1.CancelError = True ‘error bila user mengklik cancel pada CommonDialog
CommonDialog1.DialogTitle = “Baca File” ‘Caption commondialog

On Error GoTo erorhandle ‘label error handle

namafilbuka = CommonDialog1.FileName
Open namafilbuka For Binary Access Read As #1 ‘buka file yang dipilih dengan akses baca pada mode binary
ReDim tmp(LOF(1) – 1) As Byte ‘deklarasi ulang untuk array, # Bugs Fixed #
Get #1, , tmp()
Close #1

calCrc = UBound(tmp) ‘mengambil ukuran file dari array
calCrc = CCrc.CRC32(tmp, calCrc) ‘hitung CRC

HasilCrc = Hex(calCrc) ‘diubah ke format hexadesimal, karena hasil perhitungan dari class CRC masih berupa numeric
Text1.Text = HasilCrc ‘tampilkan hasilnya
Exit Sub

If Err.Number <> 32755 Then MsgBox Err.Description ‘error number 32755 dalah bila user mengklik tombol cancel pada saat memilih file

================= END HERE ====================

COba anda jalankan program diatas dengan memencet tombol F5, lalu klik Command1 untuk memilih dan membuka file. Maka program akan menampilkan CRC32nya.

Kode diatas dapat kita buat menjadi sebuah rutin pengecekan file suspect virus dengan antara membandingkan hasil CRC32nya dan database CRC kita sendiri. Algoritmanya adalah :
- Memilih file yang akan dicek
- Membuka file tersebut dalam mode binary
- Memproses byte demi byte untuk menghasilkan Checksum
- Buka file database
- Ambil isi file baris demi baris
- Samakan Checksum hasil perhitungan dengan checksum dari file

Format file database dapat kita tentukan sendiri, misal :
- FluBurung.A=ABCDEFGH
- Diary.A=12345678
Dimana FluBurung.A adalah nama virus dan ABCDEFGH dalah Crc32nya. Jika kita mempunyai format file seperti diatas, maka kita perlu membaca file secara sekuensial per baris serta memisahkan antara nama virus dan Crc32nya. Dalam hal ini yang menjadi pemisah adalah karakter ‘=’.
Buat 1 module baru (– diberi nama module1) lalu isi dengan kode :

================= START HERE ====================

Public namaVirus As String, CrcVirus As String ‘deklarasi variabel global untuk nama dan CRC virus Public pathExe as String ‘deklarasi variabel penyimpan lokasi file EXE AV kita

Public Function cariDatabase(Crc As String, namaFileDB As String) As Boolean
Dim lineStr As String, tmp() As String ‘variabel penampung untuk isi file
Open namaFileDB For Input As #1 ‘buka file dengan mode input
Line Input #1, lineStr
tmp = Split(lineStr, “=”) ‘pisahkan isi file bedasarkan pemisah karakter ‘=’
namaVirus = tmp(0) ‘masukkan namavirus ke variabel dari array
CrcVirus = tmp(1) ‘masukkan Crcvirus ke variabel dari array
If CrcVirus = Crc Then ‘bila CRC perhitungan cocok/match dengan database
cariDatabase = True ‘kembalikan nilai TRUE
Exit Do ‘keluar dari perulangan
End If
Loop Until EOF(1)
Close #1
End Function

================= END HERE ====================

Lalu tambahkan 1 objek baru kedalam Form, yaitu Command button2. lalu ketikkan listing kode berikut kedalam event Command2_Click :

================= START HERE ====================
If Len(App.Path) <= 3 Then ‘bila direktori kita adalah root direktori pathEXE = App.Path Else pathEXE = App.Path & “” End If

CommonDialog1.CancelError = True ‘error bila user mengklik cancel pada CommonDialog
CommonDialog1.DialogTitle = “Baca File” ‘Caption commondialog

On Error GoTo erorhandle ‘label error handle

namafilbuka = CommonDialog1.FileName
Open namafilbuka For Binary Access Read As #1 ‘buka file yang dipilih dengan akses baca pada mode binary
ReDim tmp(LOF(1) – 1) As Byte ‘deklarasi ulang untuk array # Bugs Fixed #
Get #1, , tmp()
Close #1

calCrc = UBound(tmp) ‘mengambil ukuran file dari array
calCrc = CCrc.CRC32(tmp, calCrc) ‘hitung CRC

HasilCrc = Hex(calCrc) ‘diubah ke format hexadesimal, karena hasil perhitungan dari class CRC masih berupa numeric
If cariDatabase(HasilCrc, pathEXE & “DB.txt”) Then ‘bila fungsi bernilai TRUE
MsgBox “Virus ditemukan : ” & namaVirus ‘tampilkan message Box
End If
Exit Sub

If Err.Number <> 32755 Then MsgBox Err.Description ‘error number 32755 dalah bila user mengklik tombol cancel pada saat memilih file

================= END HERE ====================

Fitur AV sederhana ini dapat ditambahkan dengan fitur process scanner, akses registry, real-time protection (RTP) dan lain lain. Untuk process scanner pada dasarnya adalah teknik enumerasi seluruh proses yang sedang berjalan pada Sistem Operasi, lalu mencari letak atau lokasi file dan melakukan proses scanning. Fitur akses registry memungkinkan kita untuk mengedit secara langsung registry windows apabila akses terhadap registry (–Regedit) diblok oleh virus. Sedangkan fitur RTP memungkinkan AV kita berjalan secara simultan dengan windows explorer untuk mengscan direktori atau file yang sedang kita browse atau lihat. Untuk ketiga fitur lanjutan ini akan dibahas pada artikel selanjutnya.

Tidak harus membeli software AV yang mahal untuk menjaga komputer kita dari ancaman virus, kita bisa membuatnya sendiri dengan fitur-fitur yang tak kalah bagusnya. Memang terdapat ketidaksempurnaan dalam AV buatan sendiri ini, tetapi setidaknya dapat dijadikan pencegah dari infeksi virus komputer yang semakin merajalela. Software AV sederhana ini dilengkapi oleh engine scanner statis dan database definisi. Tidak tertutup kemungkinan software AV ini ditingkatkan lebih advanced dalam hal engine scannernya.

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Trik Internet Gratis Telkom Flexi

Yang ini Cuma setengah gratisan saja, maksudnya uploadnya saja yang anda bayar
Caranya :
• Install program Your-Freedom pada PC anda. Download Disini...
• Koneksikan PC dengan internet (#777, telkomnet@flexi, telkom).
• Kalau sudah Connect, jalankan Your-Freedom.
• Klik tab Ports dan klik checkbox Shock 4/5 Port 1080 dan klik checkbox Web Proxy Port 8080.
• Kembali klik tab Status, dan kemudian klik Configure.
• Pada bagian Server Connection isi dengan ems09.your-freedom.de dan pada kotak bawah yang http ganti dengan udp otomatis portnya akan diganti dengan 53.
• Isi Proxy Setting dengan IP Isi port dengan port 554 Proxy type HTTP/HTTPS Proxy.
• Pada bagian Account Information, isikan user dan password nya dengan yang anda dapat pada saat daftar di Your-Freedom.
• Cek pada tab Message seharusnya akan muncul tulisan Client Version : 20070511-01 Server Version : 20070510-11 Auth-ok : Authentication Accepted Starting Port Current RTT : xxxx ms…
• Selanjutnya Setting browser anda, jika menggunakan Mozilla, settinganya :

? Klick Tools, Options, Advanced, Network, Setting
? Pilih Manual Proxy Configurations
? Kosongkan semua bagian kecuali pada bagian HTTP, SSL dan FTP diisi localhost 8080, sementara SOCK Host isikan localhost port 1080. Kemudian pada bagian No Proxy for isikan localhost,,

Selamat mencoba !

Lirik OST Inuyasha Episode

Lirik OST Inuyasha - My Will Dream

sotto mezameru
hakanai omoi zutto
donna toki demo negau yo
anata ni todoku you ni to...

(I wait for myself and face the day but I held the hope to re-choose something,
I care life, and about the steps cause' my ways looked easy to go)

"ato sukoshi" to yuu kyori ga fumidasenakute
itsumo me no mae wa tozasarete-ita no
aitai aenai hibi wo kasaneru tabi ni
tsuyoi tokimeki wa setsunasa ni naru yo

(No, even I do belive when I see you, having to take my time,
spent some days alone, thinking by myself will be over, so soon.)

moshimo eien to yuu mono ga aru nara
toomawari shite demo shinjite mitai
"bukiyou dakara KIZUtsuku koto mo aru" to
wakatte mo tomaranai mou dare ni mo makenai

anata no koto wo omou
sore dake de namida ga
ima afuredashite kuru yo
hakanai omoi zutto
donna toki demo negau yo
anata ni todoku you ni to...

(I think of you
and that alone is enough
to make the tears start to flow now
I always, always wish
that these fleeting thoughts
would reach you...)

tsuyogaru koto dake shiri-sugite-ita watashi
dakedo ano toki kara mayoi wa kieta yo

(I've known all too well about pretending to be strong.
But since then, my doubts have vanished.)

misetai to omou mono ga kitto atte
kikasetai kotoba mo takusan aru
egao nakigao mo zenbu mite hoshikute
matte-iru watashi wa yamete
"CHANSU" wo tsukamu yo

(There's definitely things I want to show you
And so many words I want to hear
I want to see all sides of you, when you laugh and cry
So I'll stop waiting and seize my "chance.")

anata no koto wo omou
sore dake de kokoro ga
tsuyoku nareru ki ga suru yo
hakanai omoi zutto
donna toki demo negau yo
anata ni todoku you ni to...

(I think of you,
and I feel like that alone is enough
to make my heart grow stronger.
I always, always wish
that these fleeting thoughts
would reach you...)

anata no koto wo omou
sore dake de namida ga
ima afuredashite kuru yo
tookute koe ga todokanai dakedo itsuka wa
kanarazu todoku you ni
shinjite la la la la la la...
shinjite la la la la la la...
shinjite la la la la la la...

(I think of you
and that alone is enough
to make the tears start to flow now
My distant voice can't reach you now, but so that someday
it definitely will...
Believe. la la la la la la...
Believe. la la la la la la...
Believe. la la la la la la...)

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Download Movie Inuyasha Final Act
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Lirik OST Inuyasha Episode

Lirik OST Inuyasha - Fukai Mori

fukai fukai mori no oku ni ima mo kitto
okizari ni shita kokoro kakushiteru yo
sagasu hodo no chikara mo naku tsukarehateta
hitobito wa eien no yami ni kieru
chisai mama nara kitto ima demo mieta ka na

bokutachi wa ikiru hodo ni
nakushiteku sukoshi zutsu
itsuwari ya uso o matoni
tachisukumu koe mo naku

aoi aoi sora no iro mo kizukanai mama
sugiteyuku mainichi ga kawatteyuku
tsukurareta wakugumi o koe ima o ikite
sabitsuita kokoro mata ugokidasu yo

toki no rizumu o shireba mo ichido toberu darou

bokutachi wa samayoi nagara
ikite yuku doko made mo
shinjiteru hikari motome
arukidasu kimi to ima

bokutachi wa ikiru hodo ni
nakushiteku sukoshi zutsu
itsuwari ya uso o matoni
tachisukumu koe mo naku

bokutachi wa samayoi nagara
ikite yuku doko made mo
michi wo tozashi
aruiteku eien ni
tachisukumu koe mo naku
ikite yuku eien ni

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Lirik OST Inuyasha Episode

Lirik OST Inuyasha - Change The World

I want to change the world
kaze wo kakenukete nanimo osorezu ni
ima yuuki to egao no KAKERA daite
Change my mind
jounetsu tayasazu ni takanaru mirai e
te wo nobaseba kagayakeru hazu sa
It's wonderland


hai-iro no sora no kanata nanika oite kita
kimi wa mayoi nagara
kimi no kokoro furuete'ta asu no mienai yo
nanimo shinjirarezu mimi wo fusagu
kimi ni deaeta toki hontou no ibasho mitsuketa
nanigenai yasashisa ga koko ni atte
bokura mezameru

I want to change the world
nido to mayowanai kimi to iru mirai
katachi doreba doko made mo toberu sa
Change my mind
jounetsu tayasazu ni shiranai ashita e
tsubasa hiroge hanabatakeru hazu sa
It's wonderland


bokura wa onaji sekai wo oyogi-tsudzukete'ru
tagai no negai e todoku hi made
minna onaji fuan kakaete sasaeaeru yo
tachidomaru shunkan ni mitsumete'ru
kono basho ni iru

I want to change the world
kono te hanasazu ni mimamoru hitomi wo
uketometara nandatte dekiru hazu
Change my mind
hitori ni sasenai minna koko ni iru
donna koto mo tsukinukete ikou
It's wonderland


I want to change the world
kaze wo kakenukete nanimo osorezu ni
ima yuuki to egao no KAKERA daite
Change my mind
jounetsu tayasazu ni takanaru mirai e
te wo nobaseba kagayakeru hazu sa
It's wonderland

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Download Movie Inuyasha Final Act
Download Inuyasha Movie

Lirik OST Digimon Adventure

A virtual world was created by the present-day network called the "Digital World". The "Digital Monster", which is a digital life object, was born, and the host computer Yggdrasil managed the different Digital World areas. However, it developed the X Program of fear to eliminate all Digimon in the old world and develop a new Digital World for only certain Digimon...Now, the greatest crisis ever approaches the Digital World. The X-Digimon, a new type of Digital Monster, is hunted by the Royal Knights who protect the Digital Worlds. Their master, the network overseer Yggdrasil, seeks to set in motion Project Ark to renew the Digital Worlds and create new Digimon, but at the cost of all other digital life. This new X-Digimon will seek out the answers to its own existance as it tries to protect the life of all Digimon, and in the process it will change the Digital Worlds forever. [ANN]

Download OST Digimon - Butter-Fly.mp3
Download OST Digimon - Butter-Fly Version Indonesia.mp3

Lirik OST Digimon Adventure - Butter-Fly

Menjadi kupu yang sehat
Terbawa angin berkilau
Sekarang kupergi
Untuk bertemu dikau

Hal yang bukan urusanmu
Lebih baik lupakan saja
Tidak ada waktu
Untuk bermain-main

Apa yang…
Wow wow wow wow wow
Bisa dicapai
Di langit ini

Wow wow wow wow wow
Kita tidak tahu rencana esok hari

Setelah mimpi panjang tiada akhir
Di dunia sepi hingga
Pikiran bersemangat
Kelihatannya akan kalah

Tapi kepak sayap tiada kabarnya
Hanya berkhayal pasti kan bisa terbang

Oh… sayangku

Digimon x Evolution

English title:
Japanese title: Unkown
Air date: Unkown

A virtual world was created by the present-day network called the "Digital World". The "Digital Monster", which is a digital life object, was born, and the host computer Yggdrasil managed the different Digital World areas. However, it developed the X Program of fear to eliminate all Digimon in the old world and develop a new Digital World for only certain Digimon...Now, the greatest crisis ever approaches the Digital World. The X-Digimon, a new type of Digital Monster, is hunted by the Royal Knights who protect the Digital Worlds. Their master, the network overseer Yggdrasil, seeks to set in motion Project Ark to renew the Digital Worlds and create new Digimon, but at the cost of all other digital life. This new X-Digimon will seek out the answers to its own existance as it tries to protect the life of all Digimon, and in the process it will change the Digital Worlds forever. [ANN]

Download Digimon x Evolution episode 1

Digimon x Evolution episode 1 690 Mb
Digimon x Evolution episode 1 55 Mb
Digimon x Evolution episode 1 100 Mb
Digimon x Evolution episode 1 100 Mb

Download Digimon Adventure 2

English title:
Japanese title: Unkown
Air date: Unkown

A few years after the adventures of the Chosen Children in the Digital World, a new batch of Chosen Children are summoned to save the Digital World. An evil ruler known as the Digimon Kaiser, or Digimon Emperor, is forcing the Digital World's Digimon into enslavement. The new group of Chosen Children, with the help of their Digimon, then begin a journey to stop the evil Digimon Emperor. [MAL]

Download Digimon Adventure 2

Digimon Adventure 2 episode 1: The one who Inherits Courage
Digimon Adventure 2 episode 2: Digital Gate, Open!
Digimon Adventure 2 episode 3: Digimental Up!
Digimon Adventure 2 episode 4: Lord of Darkness, Digimon Kaizer!
Digimon Adventure 2 episode 5: Destroy the Dark Tower!
Digimon Adventure 2 episode 6: Dangerous Picnic!
Digimon Adventure 2 episode 7: Hikari`s Memory
Digimon Adventure 2 episode 8: The Lonely Digimon Kaiser
Digimon Adventure 2 episode 9: Evil Ring Gone Bersek
Digimon Adventure 2 episode 10: The Enemy Is Metal Greymon
Digimon Adventure 2 episode 11: Storm of Friendship
Digimon Adventure 2 episode 12: Duel at the Digimon Corral
Digimon Adventure 2 episode 13: The Call of Dagomon
Digimon Adventure 2 episode 14: Shurimon of the Wind
Digimon Adventure 2 episode 15: Big Trouble in Little Edo
Digimon Adventure 2 episode 16: 20,000 Digi-Leagues Under the Sea
Digimon Adventure 2 episode 17: Ghost of a Chance
Digimon Adventure 2 episode 18: Run, Yolei, Run
Digimon Adventure 2 episode 19: An Old Enemy Returns
Digimon Adventure 2 episode 20: The Darkness Before Dawn
Digimon Adventure 2 episode 21: The Crest of Kindness
Digimon Adventure 2 episode 22: Davis Cries Wolfmon
Digimon Adventure 2 episode 23: Genesis of Evil
Digimon Adventure 2 episode 24: If I Had a Tail Hammer
Digimon Adventure 2 episode 25: Spirit Needle
Digimon Adventure 2 episode 26: United We Stand
Digimon Adventure 2 episode 27: Fusion Confusion
Digimon Adventure 2 episode 28: The Insect Master`s Trap
Digimon Adventure 2 episode 29: Spider Woman Arukenimon`s Error
Digimon Adventure 2 episode 30: Extreme Darkness, Blackwargreymon
Digimon Adventure 2 episode 31: Storm of Love, Silphymon
Digimon Adventure 2 episode 32: Holy Stone, Ruins of Mystery
Digimon Adventure 2 episode 33: A Chance Encounter
Digimon Adventure 2 episode 34: Destiny in Doubt
Digimon Adventure 2 episode 35: Cody Takes a Stand
Digimon Adventure 2 episode 36: Stone Soup
Digimon Adventure 2 episode 37: Kyoto Dragon
Digimon Adventure 2 episode 38: A Very Digi Christm
Digimon Adventure 2 episode 39: Dramon Poweras
Digimon Adventure 2 episode 40: Digimon World Tour (Part 1)
Digimon Adventure 2 episode 41: Digimon World Tour (Part 2)
Digimon Adventure 2 episode 42: Digimon World Tour (Part 3)
Digimon Adventure 2 episode 43: Invasion of the Daemon Corps
Digimon Adventure 2 episode 44: Dark Sun, Dark Spore [a.k.a. Dark Sun, Dark Seed]
Digimon Adventure 2 episode 45: The Dark Gate
Digimon Adventure 2 episode 46: Duel of the WarGreymon
Digimon Adventure 2 episode 47: BlackWarGreymon`s Destiny
Digimon Adventure 2 episode 48: Oikawa`s Shame (1)
Digimon Adventure 2 episode 49: The Last Temptation of the DigiDestined (2)
Digimon Adventure 2 episode 50: A Million Points of Light (3)

Digimon Adventure II - 50. A Million Points of Light (3)

English title: A Million Points of Light (3)
Japanese title: Unkown
Air date: Unkown

A few years after the adventures of the Chosen Children in the Digital World, a new batch of Chosen Children are summoned to save the Digital World. An evil ruler known as the Digimon Kaiser, or Digimon Emperor, is forcing the Digital World's Digimon into enslavement. The new group of Chosen Children, with the help of their Digimon, then begin a journey to stop the evil Digimon Emperor. [MAL]

Download Digimon Adventure II - 50. A Million Points of Light (3)

Digimon Adventure II - 50. A Million Points of Light (3) 71 Mb
Digimon Adventure II - 50. A Million Points of Light (3) 104 Mb
Digimon Adventure II - 50. A Million Points of Light (3) 104 Mb
Digimon Adventure II - 50. A Million Points of Light (3) ? Mb

Digimon Adventure II - 49. The Last Temptation of the DigiDestined (2)

English title: The Last Temptation of the DigiDestined (2)
Japanese title: Unkown
Air date: Unkown

A few years after the adventures of the Chosen Children in the Digital World, a new batch of Chosen Children are summoned to save the Digital World. An evil ruler known as the Digimon Kaiser, or Digimon Emperor, is forcing the Digital World's Digimon into enslavement. The new group of Chosen Children, with the help of their Digimon, then begin a journey to stop the evil Digimon Emperor. [MAL]

Download Digimon Adventure II - 49. The Last Temptation of the DigiDestined (2)

Digimon Adventure II - 49. The Last Temptation of the DigiDestined (2) 72 Mb
Digimon Adventure II - 49. The Last Temptation of the DigiDestined (2) 105 Mb
Digimon Adventure II - 49. The Last Temptation of the DigiDestined (2) 105 Mb

Digimon Adventure II - 48.Oikawa`s Shame (1)

English title: Oikawa`s Shame (1)
Japanese title: Unkown
Air date: Unkown

A few years after the adventures of the Chosen Children in the Digital World, a new batch of Chosen Children are summoned to save the Digital World. An evil ruler known as the Digimon Kaiser, or Digimon Emperor, is forcing the Digital World's Digimon into enslavement. The new group of Chosen Children, with the help of their Digimon, then begin a journey to stop the evil Digimon Emperor. [MAL]

Download Digimon Adventure II - 48.Oikawa`s Shame (1)

Digimon Adventure II - 48.Oikawa`s Shame (1) 71 Mb
Digimon Adventure II - 48.Oikawa`s Shame (1) 104 Mb
Digimon Adventure II - 48.Oikawa`s Shame (1) 104 Mb

Digimon Adventure II - 47. BlackWarGreymon`s Destiny

English title: BlackWarGreymon`s Destiny
Japanese title: Unkown
Air date: Unkown

A few years after the adventures of the Chosen Children in the Digital World, a new batch of Chosen Children are summoned to save the Digital World. An evil ruler known as the Digimon Kaiser, or Digimon Emperor, is forcing the Digital World's Digimon into enslavement. The new group of Chosen Children, with the help of their Digimon, then begin a journey to stop the evil Digimon Emperor. [MAL]

Download Digimon Adventure II - 47. BlackWarGreymon`s Destiny

Digimon Adventure II - 47. BlackWarGreymon`s Destiny
71 Mb
Digimon Adventure II - 47. BlackWarGreymon`s Destiny 176 Mb
Digimon Adventure II - 47. BlackWarGreymon`s Destiny 176 Mb

Digimon Adventure II - 46. Duel of the WarGreymon

English title: Duel of the WarGreymon
Japanese title: Unkown
Air date: Unkown

A few years after the adventures of the Chosen Children in the Digital World, a new batch of Chosen Children are summoned to save the Digital World. An evil ruler known as the Digimon Kaiser, or Digimon Emperor, is forcing the Digital World's Digimon into enslavement. The new group of Chosen Children, with the help of their Digimon, then begin a journey to stop the evil Digimon Emperor. [MAL]

Download Digimon Adventure II - 46. Duel of the WarGreymon

Digimon Adventure II - 46. Duel of the WarGreymon
70 Mb
Digimon Adventure II - 46. Duel of the WarGreymon 104 Mb
Digimon Adventure II - 46. Duel of the WarGreymon 104 Mb

Digimon Adventure II - 45. The Dark Gate

English title: The Dark Gate
Japanese title: Unkown
Air date: 4 June 2002

Oikawa, having no more use for Ken, attempts to hand him off to Daemon, however, Davis intervenes. The other DigiDestined arrive, and with their help, Ken is able to open a gate to the Dark Ocean and send Daemon through it.

Download Digimon Adventure II - 45. The Dark Gate

Digimon Adventure II - 45. The Dark Gate 48 Mb
Digimon Adventure II - 45. The Dark Gate 105 Mb
Digimon Adventure II - 45. The Dark Gate 105 Mb

Digimon Adventure II - 44. Dark Sun, Dark Spore [a.k.a. Dark Sun, Dark Seed]

English title: Dark Sun, Dark Spore [a.k.a. Dark Sun, Dark Seed]
Japanese title: Unkown
Air date: Unkown

A few years after the adventures of the Chosen Children in the Digital World, a new batch of Chosen Children are summoned to save the Digital World. An evil ruler known as the Digimon Kaiser, or Digimon Emperor, is forcing the Digital World's Digimon into enslavement. The new group of Chosen Children, with the help of their Digimon, then begin a journey to stop the evil Digimon Emperor. [MAL]

Download Digimon Adventure II - 44. Dark Sun, Dark Spore [a.k.a. Dark Sun, Dark Seed]

Digimon Adventure II - 44. Dark Sun, Dark Spore [a.k.a. Dark Sun, Dark Seed]
71 Mb
Digimon Adventure II - 44. Dark Sun, Dark Spore [a.k.a. Dark Sun, Dark Seed] 44 Mb
Digimon Adventure II - 44. Dark Sun, Dark Spore [a.k.a. Dark Sun, Dark Seed] 44 Mb

Digimon Adventure II - 43. Invasion of the Daemon Corps

English title: Invasion of the Daemon Corps
Japanese title: Unkown
Air date: Unkown

A few years after the adventures of the Chosen Children in the Digital World, a new batch of Chosen Children are summoned to save the Digital World. An evil ruler known as the Digimon Kaiser, or Digimon Emperor, is forcing the Digital World's Digimon into enslavement. The new group of Chosen Children, with the help of their Digimon, then begin a journey to stop the evil Digimon Emperor. [MAL]

Download Digimon Adventure II - 43. Invasion of the Daemon Corps

Digimon Adventure II - 43. Invasion of the Daemon Corps 70 Mb
Digimon Adventure II - 43. Invasion of the Daemon Corps 182 Mb
Digimon Adventure II - 43. Invasion of the Daemon Corps 182 Mb

Digimon Adventure II - 42. Digimon World Tour (Part 3)

English title: Digimon World Tour (Part 3)
Japanese title: Unkown
Air date: Unkown

A few years after the adventures of the Chosen Children in the Digital World, a new batch of Chosen Children are summoned to save the Digital World. An evil ruler known as the Digimon Kaiser, or Digimon Emperor, is forcing the Digital World's Digimon into enslavement. The new group of Chosen Children, with the help of their Digimon, then begin a journey to stop the evil Digimon Emperor. [MAL]

Download Digimon Adventure II - 42. Digimon World Tour (Part 3)

Digimon Adventure II - 42. Digimon World Tour (Part 3) 70 Mb
Digimon Adventure II - 42. Digimon World Tour (Part 3) 180 Mb
Digimon Adventure II - 42. Digimon World Tour (Part 3) 180 Mb

Digimon Adventure II - 41. Digimon World Tour (Part 2)

English title: Digimon World Tour (Part 2)
Japanese title: Unkown
Air date: Unkown

A few years after the adventures of the Chosen Children in the Digital World, a new batch of Chosen Children are summoned to save the Digital World. An evil ruler known as the Digimon Kaiser, or Digimon Emperor, is forcing the Digital World's Digimon into enslavement. The new group of Chosen Children, with the help of their Digimon, then begin a journey to stop the evil Digimon Emperor. [MAL]

Download Digimon Adventure II - 41. Digimon World Tour (Part 2)

Digimon Adventure II - 41. Digimon World Tour (Part 2) 70 Mb
Digimon Adventure II - 41. Digimon World Tour (Part 2) 184 Mb
Digimon Adventure II - 41. Digimon World Tour (Part 2) 184 Mb

Digimon Adventure II - 40. Digimon World Tour (Part 1)

English title: Digimon World Tour (Part 1)
Japanese title: Unkown
Air date: Unkown

A few years after the adventures of the Chosen Children in the Digital World, a new batch of Chosen Children are summoned to save the Digital World. An evil ruler known as the Digimon Kaiser, or Digimon Emperor, is forcing the Digital World's Digimon into enslavement. The new group of Chosen Children, with the help of their Digimon, then begin a journey to stop the evil Digimon Emperor. [MAL]

Download Digimon Adventure II - 40. Digimon World Tour (Part 1)

Digimon Adventure II - 40. Digimon World Tour (Part 1) 70 Mb
Digimon Adventure II - 40. Digimon World Tour (Part 1) 181 Mb
Digimon Adventure II - 40. Digimon World Tour (Part 1) 181 Mb

Digimon Adventure II - 39. Dramon Power

English title: Dramon Power
Japanese title: Unkown
Air date: Unkown

A few years after the adventures of the Chosen Children in the Digital World, a new batch of Chosen Children are summoned to save the Digital World. An evil ruler known as the Digimon Kaiser, or Digimon Emperor, is forcing the Digital World's Digimon into enslavement. The new group of Chosen Children, with the help of their Digimon, then begin a journey to stop the evil Digimon Emperor. [MAL]

Download Digimon Adventure II - 39. Dramon Power

Digimon Adventure II - 39. Dramon Power 69 Mb
Digimon Adventure II - 39. Dramon Power 177 Mb
Digimon Adventure II - 39. Dramon Power 177 Mb

Digimon Adventure II - 38. A Very Digi Christmas

English title: A Very Digi Christmas
Japanese title: Unkown
Air date: Unkown

A few years after the adventures of the Chosen Children in the Digital World, a new batch of Chosen Children are summoned to save the Digital World. An evil ruler known as the Digimon Kaiser, or Digimon Emperor, is forcing the Digital World's Digimon into enslavement. The new group of Chosen Children, with the help of their Digimon, then begin a journey to stop the evil Digimon Emperor. [MAL]

Download Digimon Adventure II - 38. A Very Digi Christmas

Digimon Adventure II - 38. A Very Digi Christmas
70 Mb
Digimon Adventure II - 38. A Very Digi Christmas 130 Mb
Digimon Adventure II - 38. A Very Digi Christmas 130 Mb

Digimon Adventure II - 37. Kyoto Dragon

English title: Kyoto Dragon
Japanese title: Unkown
Air date: Unkown

A few years after the adventures of the Chosen Children in the Digital World, a new batch of Chosen Children are summoned to save the Digital World. An evil ruler known as the Digimon Kaiser, or Digimon Emperor, is forcing the Digital World's Digimon into enslavement. The new group of Chosen Children, with the help of their Digimon, then begin a journey to stop the evil Digimon Emperor. [MAL]

Download Digimon Adventure II - 37. Kyoto Dragon

Digimon Adventure II - 37. Kyoto Dragon 71 Mb
Digimon Adventure II - 37. Kyoto Dragon 177 Mb
Digimon Adventure II - 37. Kyoto Dragon 177 Mb

Digimon Adventure II - 36. Stone Soup

English title: Stone Soup
Japanese title: Unkown
Air date: Unkown

A few years after the adventures of the Chosen Children in the Digital World, a new batch of Chosen Children are summoned to save the Digital World. An evil ruler known as the Digimon Kaiser, or Digimon Emperor, is forcing the Digital World's Digimon into enslavement. The new group of Chosen Children, with the help of their Digimon, then begin a journey to stop the evil Digimon Emperor. [MAL]

Download Digimon Adventure II - 36. Stone Soup

Digimon Adventure II - 36. Stone Soup 71 Mb
Digimon Adventure II - 36. Stone Soup 177 Mb
Digimon Adventure II - 36. Stone Soup 177 Mb

Digimon Adventure II - 35. Cody Takes a Stand

English title: Cody Takes a Stand
Japanese title: Unkown
Air date: Unkown

A few years after the adventures of the Chosen Children in the Digital World, a new batch of Chosen Children are summoned to save the Digital World. An evil ruler known as the Digimon Kaiser, or Digimon Emperor, is forcing the Digital World's Digimon into enslavement. The new group of Chosen Children, with the help of their Digimon, then begin a journey to stop the evil Digimon Emperor. [MAL]

Download Digimon Adventure II - 35. Cody Takes a Stand

Digimon Adventure II - 35. Cody Takes a Stand 70 Mb
Digimon Adventure II - 35. Cody Takes a Stand 175 Mb
Digimon Adventure II - 35. Cody Takes a Stand 175 Mb

Digimon Adventure II - 34. Destiny in Doubt

English title: Destiny in Doubt
Japanese title: Unkown
Air date: Unkown

A few years after the adventures of the Chosen Children in the Digital World, a new batch of Chosen Children are summoned to save the Digital World. An evil ruler known as the Digimon Kaiser, or Digimon Emperor, is forcing the Digital World's Digimon into enslavement. The new group of Chosen Children, with the help of their Digimon, then begin a journey to stop the evil Digimon Emperor. [MAL]

Download Digimon Adventure II - 34. Destiny in Doubt

Digimon Adventure II - 34. Destiny in Doubt 70 Mb
Digimon Adventure II - 34. Destiny in Doubt 176 Mb
Digimon Adventure II - 34. Destiny in Doubt 176 Mb

Digimon Adventure II - 33. A Chance Encounter

English title: A Chance Encounter
Japanese title: Unkown
Air date: Unkown

A few years after the adventures of the Chosen Children in the Digital World, a new batch of Chosen Children are summoned to save the Digital World. An evil ruler known as the Digimon Kaiser, or Digimon Emperor, is forcing the Digital World's Digimon into enslavement. The new group of Chosen Children, with the help of their Digimon, then begin a journey to stop the evil Digimon Emperor. [MAL]

Download Digimon Adventure II - 33. A Chance Encounter

Digimon Adventure II - 33. A Chance Encounter 70 Mb
Digimon Adventure II - 33. A Chance Encounter 176 Mb
Digimon Adventure II - 33. A Chance Encounter 176 Mb

Digimon Adventure II - 32. Holy Stone, Ruins of Mystery

English title: Holy Stone, Ruins of Mystery
Japanese title: Unkown
Air date: Unkown

A few years after the adventures of the Chosen Children in the Digital World, a new batch of Chosen Children are summoned to save the Digital World. An evil ruler known as the Digimon Kaiser, or Digimon Emperor, is forcing the Digital World's Digimon into enslavement. The new group of Chosen Children, with the help of their Digimon, then begin a journey to stop the evil Digimon Emperor. [MAL]

Download Digimon Adventure II - 32. Holy Stone, Ruins of Mystery

Digimon Adventure II - 32. Holy Stone, Ruins of Mystery 71 Mb
Digimon Adventure II - 32. Holy Stone, Ruins of Mystery 175 Mb
Digimon Adventure II - 32. Holy Stone, Ruins of Mystery 175 Mb

Digimon Adventure II - 31. Storm of Love, Silphymon

English title: Storm of Love, Silphymon
Japanese title: Unkown
Air date: Unkown

A few years after the adventures of the Chosen Children in the Digital World, a new batch of Chosen Children are summoned to save the Digital World. An evil ruler known as the Digimon Kaiser, or Digimon Emperor, is forcing the Digital World's Digimon into enslavement. The new group of Chosen Children, with the help of their Digimon, then begin a journey to stop the evil Digimon Emperor. [MAL]

Download Digimon Adventure II - 31. Storm of Love, Silphymon

Digimon Adventure II - 31. Storm of Love, Silphymon 70 Mb
Digimon Adventure II - 31. Storm of Love, Silphymon 122 Mb
Digimon Adventure II - 31. Storm of Love, Silphymon 122 Mb

Digimon Adventure II - 30. Extreme Darkness, Blackwargreymon

English title: Extreme Darkness, Blackwargreymon
Japanese title: Unkown
Air date: Unkown

A few years after the adventures of the Chosen Children in the Digital World, a new batch of Chosen Children are summoned to save the Digital World. An evil ruler known as the Digimon Kaiser, or Digimon Emperor, is forcing the Digital World's Digimon into enslavement. The new group of Chosen Children, with the help of their Digimon, then begin a journey to stop the evil Digimon Emperor. [MAL]

Download Digimon Adventure II - 30. Extreme Darkness, Blackwargreymon

Digimon Adventure II - 30. Extreme Darkness, Blackwargreymon 68 Mb
Digimon Adventure II - 30. Extreme Darkness, Blackwargreymon 176 Mb
Digimon Adventure II - 30. Extreme Darkness, Blackwargreymon 176 Mb

Digimon Adventure II - 29. Spider Woman Arukenimon`s Error

English title: Spider Woman Arukenimon`s Error
Japanese title: Unkown
Air date: Unkown

A few years after the adventures of the Chosen Children in the Digital World, a new batch of Chosen Children are summoned to save the Digital World. An evil ruler known as the Digimon Kaiser, or Digimon Emperor, is forcing the Digital World's Digimon into enslavement. The new group of Chosen Children, with the help of their Digimon, then begin a journey to stop the evil Digimon Emperor. [MAL]

Download Digimon Adventure II - 29. Spider Woman Arukenimon`s Error

Digimon Adventure II - 29. Spider Woman Arukenimon`s Error 71 Mb
Digimon Adventure II - 29. Spider Woman Arukenimon`s Error 176 Mb
Digimon Adventure II - 29. Spider Woman Arukenimon`s Error 176 Mb

Digimon Adventure II - 28. The Insect Master`s Trap

English title: The Insect Master`s Trap
Japanese title: Unkown
Air date: Unkown

A few years after the adventures of the Chosen Children in the Digital World, a new batch of Chosen Children are summoned to save the Digital World. An evil ruler known as the Digimon Kaiser, or Digimon Emperor, is forcing the Digital World's Digimon into enslavement. The new group of Chosen Children, with the help of their Digimon, then begin a journey to stop the evil Digimon Emperor. [MAL]

Download Digimon Adventure II - 28. The Insect Master`s Trap

Digimon Adventure II - 28. The Insect Master`s Trap 69 Mb
Digimon Adventure II - 28. The Insect Master`s Trap 188 Mb
Digimon Adventure II - 28. The Insect Master`s Trap 175 Mb
Digimon Adventure II - 28. The Insect Master`s Trap 175 Mb
Digimon Adventure II - 28. The Insect Master`s Trap ? Mb

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